REVERB Best of 2012 Colorado Artists 


Sour Boy, Bitter Girl, White Ramble Among the Top Concerts This Weekend 




Songs Come First for Sour Boy, Bitter Girl

​      Chip ChandlerAMARILLO GLOBE-NEWS

Ranging from a solo, singer/songwriter act to a powerhouse-of-sound quintet, the music is as diverse as its members and influences. Benjamin’s lyrics weave the figurative/metaphorical world of deserts, seas, and wolves with the strife and rebellion of the average working, loving man, that create vivid imagery in a catchy way that is chanted and screamed from the hearts of his avid wolf-army fan base. The lyrics are supported with a powerful rhythm section, heavy keys and flamboyant drumming, fantastic electric guitar and organ leads, and an impressive amount of vocal harmonizing.


Sour Boy, Bitter Girl: Self Improvement Tattoos and Infinite Futures | Q&A

​      Michael ToddHEAR NEBRASKA